Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Instant Mix II

We just blew through the holidays in a whirlwind of snow and tinsel, with it came hot chocolates I wish I had never tried and hot chocolates which I have not ever tried. The next few weeks I'll be doing the instant hot cocoas that people showered upon me this holiday after learning that I had a hot chocolate blog. (Easy gifts? We can decide how great they were after tasting each.) I don't have much hope for anything instant, but as I wait for this first cup to cool down beside me, I have to admit that it does look rather creamy and delicious.

This first mix came with a small whisk, which I thought was clever considering a whisk is usually what you need to completely dissolve a mix. I'm keeping it for the later ones. If you whisk long enough you can get something frothy and marvelous, but as usual I simply don't have the patience to sit there with a tiny whisk, whisking away to get froth.

Tastin'. It's shockingly chocolatey, which was... well. Shocking. A hot. And a bit too sugary teeth-hurty for my tastes. It was mixed in with milk, so there is that annoying film that builds up if you don't drink constantly. However, the milk also made it seem creamier, smoother, less of an aftertaste for me.

The mug is deceptive. It's a massive mug, so I imagine with a simple coffee mug it would go closer to the top.

Pretty good, honestly.

1 comment:

  1. That looks kinda tasty :)
    It's funny, I was just in Paris (Eiffel tower referance) and I saw a guy dipping crossiants into hot chocolate. I thought I should let you know! It looked nice.

    Kev :)
